New Expansion - Glory In Navori

Finally, we have received news of the next expansion to Legends of Runeterra

This evening, players were greeted with a new promo image of the new champions which will be released during the next expansion as well as the name of the expansion. Samira, Sett, and Jack the Winner can be seen in the image with many people theorising that Jack the Winner will be the second LoR exclusive champion due to his inclusion with the other two League of Legends Champions.

In the original image posted to the in-game client, the promo image also included the name of the expansion, “Glory in Navori” which many people connected to Sett as Navori is a location in Ionia where Sett was born and is currently known to be living as the last lore piece let us know he is running the Noxian fighting pits located on the continent.

The reveal of the expansion name also begins the start of spoiler week with new cards being revealed every day on


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