Runeterra Open Update

Yesterday we announced on Twitter that the Runeterra Open scheduled to take place this Saturday (July 15th) has been confirmed by Game Designer RubinZoo to remain a closed decklist tournament. (Announcement Tweet)

The news that the Open would remain a closed decklist tournament came to upset a few players as the majority of the competitive scene prefer the Open decklist tournament as it allows them to be more expressive of their skills with things such as “Hand Reading” becoming a pivotal act for them to master. It’s important to note that the Day 2 of the tournament is an Open decklist tournament which means that the full tournament is split into 2 different formats with Day 1 being a closed decklist and Day 2 being an open decklist.

One player reached out to RubinZoo for a status update for Day 1 Open decklists in hopes of setting expectations for the upcoming season with them asking:-

@mtuck017 - “@RubinZoo anyway we can get a status update sometime on when to expect these to be open list? Don't need any hard dates but like "within the season, year, or no clue" would be good for expectation setting.”

Later that evening RubinZoo replied to the tweet with the following information:-

“While Tournament Lobby for Day 1 is something we're investigating internally, we don't currently have it on our upcoming release schedule.'

We'll be sure to let the community know when or if that status changes!”

With this information, it is fair to say for the foreseeable future all Runeterra Opens will remain a closed decklist during Day 1 of the tournament with only Day 2 using the Open decklist format.


Heart of the Huntress Standard Runeterra Open


LoRreport Tournament