Master Ladder Update

Yesterday Steve Rubin the Senior Game Designer on Legends of Runeterra announced that the Master’s Ladder System will be receiving an update in the next patch (Patch 4.6.0). The announcement came in reply to a tweet from popular Brazilian player Yangzera which read;

“honestly i'd rather not have had the official statement that mmr fixing is against tos if i knew the end result was gonna be no one banned for mmr fixing anyway”

An hour after the Tweet from Yangzera, RubinZoo quote retweeted with the announcement that the Master’s Ladder System will be receiving an update to address the issues players have faced since the system was updated a couple of patches ago.

“A completely new masters ladder system is coming next patch! Our focus is on making a great system without opportunity for abuse. As a game designer, I'm not actively spending time policing behavior.

That said, Rank "fixing" by straight repeated surrendering games may result in the loss of ladder Runeterra Points. For more gray areas, it's more on us to created a hardened and competitive system than it is on players to decide what's right and wrong.

For a long time we've wanted to shift into a system that will only account for your current LP compared to your opponents LP. We're incredibly excited to be rolling it out soon, so look for more details in the next patch notes!”

The context for the tweet from Yangzera follows the reveal that players who surrendered 100 times in a row could “tank” their mmr which would give them a higher yield on wins and a lower lp loss on losses which many players believed to be breaking of TOS. Riot then had to make an official statement on the subject;

“Adjustments to our ranked system will be arriving soon, but in the meantime we want to be clear; attempting to manipulate your rank via repeated forfeits is against LoR TOS and can result in disciplinary action.

Should your experience be impacted by someone violating LoR TOS, please make sure to file a Support Ticket with relevant information so our teams can investigate.”


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