Glory In Navori Runeterra Open

Over the weekend thousands of players competed to try and become the Glory In Navori Standard Runeterra Open Champions, however only 3 people were able to take the title. Keih, Card Gamer, and Tabouta were the 3 players who managed to win for their respective regions and took home the $1000, 12 Runeterra Points (used to qualify for Worlds at the end of the year), and an invitation to the Mystery Event which was revealed to be a possible IRL event hosted by Riot at the end of the year.

The Runeterra Open didn’t go without any issues with many people expressing anger towards others after it was revealed that some players had used multiple accounts during Day 1 of the tournament to increase their chances of making it through to Day 2 with Streamer, YouTuber and Competitor eMOEtional tweeting out that one of the EMEA finalists had used his smurf account to qualify for Day 2 after being unsuccessful on his “main” account.

eMOEtional’s Tweet

Towards the end of the day, Dave Guskin the Executive Producer of Legends of Runeterra released a statement that explained that the team were aware of the issues and that the community could expect an official response from the dev team in the coming days.

Dave Guskin’s Tweet


On Wednesday 19th April, Riot released an official article talking about the issues that players faced and what Riot will be doing in the future to ensure the issues that were experienced won’t happen again.

To view the article you can find it here.


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