Emergency Hotfix - Heisho

Official Statement from Riot Games:

The team is ramping up for Worlds and then Riot Winter Break right after. We want to make sure Heisho is protecting the world instead of breaking it so we're cooking up some changes and fixing a bug.

BUG FIX: Heisho will no longer reduce costs when silenced or removed from the board.

BALANCE CHANGE: 9c 9|9 Spellshield → 10c 9|9 no Spellshield.

In order to alert Competitors and give them time to change their line-ups accordingly we are letting everyone know this hotfix in the works. We will repost when this hotfix is live, but we're expecting it to go live early next week at the latest.


World Championship - Day 1 (Swiss Rounds)


New Champion - Mordekaiser